Network Windows 7
It's called a new force from Monday. Even scary to come to work. What if it started there? More than 200,000 centres were infected yesterday. Russian government agencies have officially stated that they have managed to logic the spread. How long?
intel.malwaretech.com Online epidemic
Recently, I wrote that the proliferation could stop the bait-dum. But new copies of the virus and the wave came out with new force. No red button. Now he's gathered information that we can do to keep our files.
What's wrong with the WannaCry virus?
Widows-based computer files are wifried and then requires $600 (the soum will be shown in the bits) for the decoding. Nobody gives a guarantee of recovery. While the experts are looking for a solution to fight the virus, they need to prepare a system for the attack.
WannaCry 2.0 virus
Treatment recommendations:
♪ There must be an antivirus.
♪ Install a formal patch (MS17-010) from Microsoft, removes the vulnerability of abusers.
♪ Check the entire antivirus system.
♪ Incorporate automatic updates of Windows and other programmes to prevent future exposure to known vulnerabilities.
♪ In the organization, a safety specialist is required to block the SMB incoming traffic (ports 139, 445)
A complete list of the official patch for each Windows system from the windowsupdate.com site, don't forget to make a recovery point before the patch is installed.
Users of illegal copies of LOs operate on their own fear and risk.
It should be noted that suspicious files should not be launched from the post office, the Messengers and other programmes. All security measures only stop proliferation networkbut not through the forced launch of the program by the user. Computer health is in the hands of the users themselves.