Establish A Local Network Via The Internet
The grid is a simplest type of computer network where two computers are connected directly through communication equipment. The value of this type of connection is simplicity and cheap, and it is not sufficient to connect only two computers (the other point is connected to each point, etc., with no permanent structure and no access point required). Frequently used in cases where information needs to be quickly transferred from one computer, such as laptop, to another. The laptop is in this case an access point.
In Windows XP and Windows 7, there was an interface for a wireless distributed network, Ad-hoc (computer computer), but Windows 8 excluded the developers, but the network continued to be supported. The details of the installation of the network on Windows 8 are further described.
How to create a computer access point to which we'll be connected.
Instruction on how to build a point of access consists of five simple steps:
- I need to start a command line on behalf of the administrator. Klick on the right button of the Puske button, press the " Command Line (Administrator) " ;
- write a team.
netshlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=me_net key=co_set
Where the parameters of the " name_nets " and " col_nets " are changed. The password length shall be at least eight symbols. Press Enter, wait for the answer from the computer, make sure there's no mistake. - launch the established connection through the netsh wlan start hostednetwork. Wait for the answer from the computer, make sure there's no mistake.
- Localized network established. Put her on a second computer.
To this end, open a list of accessible networks and find the necessary connections;
- You need to build a network adapter to sell the Internet from one laptop to another. At the Network Management Centre, find the Ethernet adapter;
Click it on the right button of mouse, open the menu of properties. Find a deposit for Shake. Introduce the flag " Allow other users of the network to use the Internet connection of the computer " . Pick up Local Arena Connector. Keep your construction.