How To Connect To The Local Network Via The Internet
This article will help you build a local network connection (local network) in Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, and how to change the MAC address (mac-dress) network map if necessary.
Build a local network on a computer can be needed if the provider uses the internet access link to an online subscriber.
Modify the MAC address on a computer or laptop is necessary if, from the moment of connection to the service provider ' s network, you changed the computer or laptop, replaced the computer card, or if you connected a periodic second computer or a laptop to the Internet without the launcher.
Recognize the MAC address to be listed on the computer network card or laptop can be obtained by the telephone of subscribers.
Choose the operating system of your computer and the task:
Windows XP field network connectivity
1. Press the button. The new menu is chosen by the Management Plan. Then in the control panel, we click on the tip of Network Connections. If this is not visible, we shall pre-empt the left in the column to click on the reference to " Classic vision " and now find the necessary label again.
2. Now we're clicking the right button of mouse on the label.Local network connectivityand select the option of " Power " .
3. On the emerging window on the central list, we select the TCP/IP Internet Protocol and just below the right of the belt on the button.
4. Make sure the window shows the " IP Automated " and " Get the DNS Server address automatically " . Then close all the windows, press the buttons. There's now a local network connection.
5. In order to change the MAC address the online map, it is necessary to press the nascent button after the implementation of paragraph 2 of the instruction.